Chakra Balancing

In our 8 week Chakra Balancing program you will be guided through each of the 7 chakras, week by week.

If you’re looking to better understand each chakra, what an in and out of balance chakra may look like and how to start balancing it, this program is for you!

The next session begins January 2023, if you’re ready to start reaping the benefits of yoga and let go of the fear of starting, book your 30 minute FREE Discovery Call below so we can determine if this program is the right fit for you.

    • Initial goal setting

    • 8x prerecorded yoga sequences to follow at your own pace
      (One for each chakra and a final one with each chakra included)

  • Mindset and shadow work activities associated with each chakra.

  • We’ll be meeting biweekly over Zoom to address any needs, concerns and discuss your progress

    • Astrology birth chart

    • Tarot reading

    • Meditation