• Our stuff has an energetic weight and responsibility that can cause invisible stress.

  • When you clear the clutter, you clear your mind.

  • Our home is an outer reflection of our inner self.

Clear the clutter, feel better.

Have you been swooning over Minimalist decor on Pinterest and Instagram? Do you dream of being able to purge and organize like Marie Kondo and the Home Edit but don’t know where to start? Maybe you have just a few problem areas that you need the moral support in overcoming.

This is where I jump in! I’ve had a untethered excitement for all things organized, minimized and purged ever since I was a child. My mom used to pay me to organize her kitchen cupboards, closets and bathroom cabinets.

It IS possible to organize without sacrificing the convenience of your day to day and sentimental items.

If you’re ready to start letting go but need a little help, that’s what I’m here for.

Home Organization packages

  • Mini Maintenance

    Time - 3 hours
    Investment - $300

    This is perfect if you’re looking for some extra help and a plan of action for a small space.
    We can :

    • Meet (virtually) and come up with an action plan that works for you.

    • You’ll execute at your own pace.

    • Use the remaining hours when you need extra help.


    • We work through the entire 3 hours session in one go.

    • I walk you through step by step.
      Also suited if you’ve already organized your space and need extra help maintaining it after the fact.

      You will receive a PDF guide with tips and tricks for you to maintain your space going forward.

      Suited to front halls, closets, kids toys and crafts or a set of cabinets.

  • Overhaul

    Time - 6 hours
    Investment - $500

    Suited to projects of 1-2 spaces depending on the size of the room and storage.
    Can be broken into an initial meeting (1 hour) to determine an plan of action
    with five (1 hour) video support calls.


    -We can work through it all together
    in two individual sessions (3 hours each) where I walk you through step by step providing all the guidance, tips and tricks.
    You will receive a PDF guide with tips and tricks for you to maintain your space going forward.
    Suited to spaces such as offices, kids bedrooms, family rooms, living rooms.

  • Transformation

    Time - 12 hours
    Investment - $990

    For those looking to transform their home and day to day.
    Can be applied to multiple rooms and spaces

    • We’ll determine which spaces are problematic and will be tackled

    • A custom action plan

    • List of recommended products for the space

    • 4x sessions (3 hours each)

    • You will receive a PDF guide with tips and tricks for you to maintain your space going forward.

    Suited to spaces such as kitchens, basements, bathrooms and bedrooms.

Once you start,

you’ll already feel lighter.